The Fiesta® San Antonio Commission


Did you know there are nearly 100 diverse, San Antonio-area non-profit organizations coordinating more than 100 Official Fiesta® events representing ALL parts of San Antonio? And, did you know there is one non-profit organization, the Fiesta® San Antonio Commission, Inc. (Commission), that approves Official Fiesta® member events through an annual accreditation and compliance process, and provides financial, promotional and logistical support to those organizations so that Fiesta® can occur each year?

The Commission, managed by a nine-person, volunteer Executive Committee, Board of Directors and small staff, provides year-round Membership benefits and events, and plans and promotes Fiesta® San Antonio in presenting an annual celebration of the diverse heritage, culture and spirit of San Antonio for its residents and visitors.

Fiesta® San Antonio began in 1891 with the Battle of Flowers® Parade — a one-parade event to honor the memory of the heroes of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. Many events and activities were added over the years to support and celebrate the Spring Carnival Season in San Antonio. In 1959, because of the number of events and activities being added, and those events’ dissatisfaction with the previous coordinating group, Fiesta San Jacinto Association, the Commission was established by the Chamber of Commerce to manage and promote these events.

Today, the Commission has an agreement with the City of San Antonio through an official ordinance. “The City of San Antonio grants a license to the Commission to coordinate, oversee and provide financial support for the annual celebration of Fiesta®. The City Council recognizes the importance of Fiesta® as an integral part of the tradition and culture of this City and as an effective means of drawing attention to the historical, cultural and recreational attractions of this City, thereby enhancing the growth of tourism and convention activities in the City; and consequently, desires to support the continuation and growth of Fiesta® San Antonio.” 

With more than 2.5 million people annually attending Official Fiesta® events, Fiesta® generates an economic impact of more than $340 million for the city, and the funds raised by Official Fiesta® events provide services to San Antonio citizens throughout the year. Through funds, primarily raised from Membership Dues, Sponsorships, Merchandise / Medal Sales, the Opening Ceremony Event (Fiesta® Fiesta) and the Fiesta® Carnival, the Commission also provides direct funds, each year, to its Member Organizations through grants and allocations to support their insurance coverage, capital improvements and general operations. Additionally, the Commission approves and coordinates the street chair sales for the Battle of Flowers® and Fiesta Flambeau® Parades, which provide fundraising opportunities for the Commission and more than 70 additional San Antonio-area non-profit organizations.

One of the most recognizable aspects of Fiesta® is the celebration of Official Fiesta® Royalty. The Commission approves and recognizes the Official Fiesta® Royalty members and provides funding to help each Official Royalty organization with their activities and mission. Specifically, the Commission provides scholarship funds to Miss Fiesta® and the Miss Fiesta® finalists.

Volunteer support is also critical to the success of Fiesta®, and with more than 75,000 volunteers supporting the various Fiesta® events, the Commission, in 1992, established The Order of the Cascarón . . . Fiesta’s Volunteer Hall of Fame. Each year, the Commission recognizes two individuals who have made singularly outstanding contributions to Fiesta®, taking it to a higher level. 

As you can see, the Commission provides support to many organizations that better the lives of San Antonians every day, and helps create the special and unique experiences that make Fiesta® a celebration of San Antonio’s diverse heritage and culture. We look forward to celebrating a Fiesta For All in 2024 with you on April 18 to 28. For more information on Fiesta®, please visit 


The Official Fiesta® Royalty are (based on when established): 

• Queen of the Order of the Alamo 

• King Antonio 

• Rey Feo 

• Miss Fiesta® San Antonio 

• Reina de la Feria de las Flores 

• The Woman’s Club Fiesta® Teenage Queen 

• The Queen of San Antonio Charro Association 

• The Queen of Soul 

• Miss San Antonio



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